Our Mission

Our goal for you as a patient here at Way Out West is to help manage your pain, improve your physical function and to return you to daily life as soon as possible!

Our Philosophy:

While we would like every patient to live completely pain-free, there is limitation that comes with age and keeping realistic expectations is important.

At Way Out West, we take the time to get to know you as an individual and your specific concerns, so that we can work together as a team to focus on what is most important to you and improve your quality of life.

For each patient, our team will work to create a specialized individual treatment plan, which may include surgical intervention, psychotherapy, physical therapy, lifestyle alterations, osteopathic manipulative medicine, medication changes or minimally invasive spinal injections.

Whether you’re interested in ketamine treatments, infusions, steroid and sacroiliac injections, or spinal surgery we will discuss the benefits and risks of each option and will only recommend what is truly necessary.

Our goal is to treat you like family. Often, this means reevaluating your treatment plan and trying something new. Even if your treatment plan isn’t what you had initially envisioned or desired – please keep an open mind!

We will always utilize the most current medical advances and will only recommend what will be most effective.

Many patients are told that their only option is a reliance on narcotics. However, the treatment of chronic pain with narcotics alone has been found to be more damaging than helpful to your health over the long term.

Therefore, we want our patients to rely less on controlled substances and allow our pain specialists to address the root cause of your pain.

If you have used controlled substances for a long time, we will work together to reduce these medications over time and come up with a plan that better supports your long-term health.