Best over the counter pain reliever for back pain

Back pain is a common problem, especially for moms. It can be tough to know what over the counter pain reliever to take for back pain. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a list of the best over the counter pain relievers for back pain, so you can get relief and get back to your life.

Tylenol is the best over the counter pain reliever for back pain because it is gentle on the stomach and has a long-lasting effect

Tylenol is the number one recommended health solution if you’re looking to ease your back pain without a prescription. Whether it’s a strained muscle or an acute injury, Tylenol is the best over-the-counter pain reliever you can choose – and your stomach will thank you for it! What makes Tylenol better than its competitors is that it’s gentle on the stomach while still providing long lasting relief from your agony. This makes it the healthiest choice for your body when dealing with unpleasant back pain, so you can get back to feeling like yourself again quickly!

Ibuprofen is also a good choice for back pain relief, but it can cause stomach upset so be sure to take it with food

Ibuprofen can be a healthy and effective choice to relieve your back pain, but it’s important to always take it with food. Otherwise, you’re inviting a whole host of unpleasantries that include GI upset and the possible formation of an ulcer. So if you decide to go the Ibuprofen route for relief, don’t forget the nutrition – healthy eating habits should play a key role in complete healing no matter what kind of treatment plan you choose for your backache!

Aspirin is another option for pain relief, but it can also cause stomach problems so take it with caution

Aspirin is a common household pain reliever, but it is best to take it with caution. While it can be effective for a number of aches and pains, increased bleeding and the potential to cause stomach problems like an ulcer or dyspepsia mean it should not be taken without doing some research. Aspirin has numerous benefits, however side effects may also occur and require careful consideration before consumption.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, acetaminophen is the best pain reliever for you

If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, baby, don’t try and take any old painkiller! The best thing to do is opt for acetaminophen. It’s the only OTC anti-inflammatory that won’t be passed through your breastmilk or cause birth defects in your baby. Pregnancy and breastfeeding can be tough on a mother’s body, but with acetaminophen you can stay healthy and comfortable enough to keep smiling throughout!

If you have kidney disease, talk to your doctor before taking any over-the-counter pain relievers

Don’t be fooled by those pain relieving over-the-counter medications– if you have kidney disease, their effects can be potentially dangerous. Untreated kidney injury can result in dialysis and kidney failure, so it’s important to make sure you talk to your doctor before popping out over-the-counter medication. Your kidney health is too important––and these medicines, no matter how convenient and temporarily helpful, are simply not worth the risk.

Now that you know a little more about pain relievers, you can make an informed decision next time you’re at the store. And remember, the best way to reduce back pain is by improving your overall health! So eat healthy, exercise often, and get plenty of sleep.